Helpful Links

glen lovelace facog obgyn helpful linksTracking Your Periods

One of the first questions that comes up in a gyn exam is when you last had a period, how regular your cycles are, and the amount of spotting or bleeding you're experiencing. One of our brilliant patients designed this simple form to track a year's worth of cycles. Download it here, if this would be helpful to you, and bring it to your next appointment:

There are many apps available that help you track your cycle. Clue is one of the top free apps that helps you track your period and ovulation.

Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques

We employ the most modern surgical techniques for treatment of heavy bleeding and incontinence issues, including endometrial ablatation, laparoscopic hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair. These websites may help inform you about options our practice offers.

Help with Quitting Smoking

Contraceptive Methods

Contraceptive methods we prescribe include the following. Websites for these products may help answer some of your questions about whether they might be appropriate for you.